Monday, June 6, 2011

First pics from Australia

Absolutely breathtaking sunrise. Untouched photo - taken from the window of the airport in Brisbane.

Me with my partner in crime, Kesha. Notice the Opera House and bridge in the background.

The picture I could not wait to take in person!!

This is Matt, our guide for the next two weeks.  Some say he's cute.  ;-)

View of the bridge from the ferry. This place is awesome!

This was the first Aussie thing I welcomed us to the Brisbane airport.

I am posting this at 9:00 A.M. Alabama time, which is Midnight Sydney time.
Must get to bed...up early tomorrow. I promise more asap!
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  1. Hi Penny!!!

    Hurray for the awesome photos! Tell everyone hello!


  2. Sooooo beautiful!


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